In 1994, in the midst of a sad time in my life due to my dad's death, another exciting thing happened. I had gone to the doctors because of some abdominal pains. He sent me to the doctors because he suspected gall bladder problems. The stenographer sent the results to the doctor and his office called me later that day to come in. The doctor said, "There are several gall stones and did you know you were pregnant?" Uh... no... actually I didn't. I was about 10 weeks pregnant and that was the start of a whirl of different feelings! Wow, six children! How will we manage; how can we afford another child; where will I get the time to do this as well as take care of five other ones and my mom! God has a way of directing your life like none other. Campbell has been a source of joy.
This little baby has become an amazing young man. Campbell has the temperament of Jocelyn, the humour of Greg, and thoughtfulness of Stacey, concern for others like Jennifer and attention to details like Kerby... and he is built like Vince but has an uncanny resemblance to my brother, Bill and nephew, AJ. He makes us laugh so often with his insights and when he shares his ideas, it can also make you think!
Anyway, Campbell has done a few commercials... actually he's done quite a few KFC commercials! Today, he is going to Toronto to be outfitted in Walmart gear! His wardrobe call will be about an hour to an hour and a half. Usually you have to bring your own clothes down and the wardrobe people go through your items to see if they reflect what they are trying to portray. Sometimes they use a piece of yours and some of theirs, other times, there isn't anything in your clothing and they outfit you off their clothing choices. Either way, it's always interesting to watch this process unfold.
We'll find out soon what day this coming week he shoots. This is going to be one really busy week in our house!
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